The thiazide-sensitive sodium chloride cotransporter (NCC) and the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) are two of the most important determinants of salt balance and thus systemic blood pressure. Abnormalities in either result in profound changes in blood pressure. There is one segment of the nephron where these two sodium transporters are coexpressed, the second part of the distal convoluted tubule. This is a key part of the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron, the final regulator of salt handling in the kidney. Aldosterone is the key hormonal regulator for both of these proteins. Despite these shared regulators and coexpression in a key nephron segment, associations between these proteins have not been investigated. After confirming apical localization of these proteins, we demonstrated the presence of functional transport proteins and native association by blue native PAGE. Extensive coimmunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated a consistent interaction of NCC with α-And γ-ENaC. Mammalian two-hybrid studies demonstrated direct binding of NCC to ENaC subunits. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer and immunogold EM studies confirmed that these transport proteins are within appropriate proximity for direct binding. Additionally, we demonstrate that there are functional consequences of this interaction, with inhibition of NCC affecting the function of ENaC. This novel finding of an association between ENaC and NCC could alter our understanding of salt transport in the distal tubule.
New Findings: What is the central question of this study? Pregnancy requires a robust plasma volume expansion driven by renal sodium retention. In the late-pregnant kidney, the aldosterone-responsive epithelial Na+ channel is increased, whereas the sodium-chloride cotransporter is decreased. Pendrin has been shown to support sodium reabsorption in the distal nephron and compensate for loss of the sodium-chloride cotransporter. We investigated the expression and abundance of pendrin in the pregnant kidney. What is the main finding and its importance? Pendrin protein, apical localization and thiazide sensitivity are increased in pregnancy. This implicates a possible role for pendrin in supporting the renal sodium chloride reabsorption and plasma volume expansion of pregnancy. Pregnancy is characterized by cumulative plasma volume expansion as a result of renal sodium retention, driven by activation of aldosterone. We previously reported that the abundance and activity of the aldosterone-responsive epithelial Na+ channel is increased, whereas the sodium-chloride cotransporter (NCC) is decreased in the kidney of the late-pregnant rat. The chloride-bicarbonate exchanger pendrin is also aldosterone responsive and has been shown to support activity of the aldosterone-responsive epithelial Na+ channel and compensate for the loss of NCC. Additionally, pendrin coupled to the sodium-dependent chloride-bicarbonate exchanger (NDCBE) mediates thiazide-sensitive sodium reabsorption in the cortical collecting duct. In this study, we investigated pendrin and NDCBE transcript expression, pendrin protein abundance, pendrin cellular localization and thiazide sensitivity in virgin, mid-pregnant and late-pregnant rats to test the hypothesis that increased pendrin activity might occur in pregnancy. By RT-PCR, NDCBE and pendrin mRNA expression was unchanged from virgins, whereas pendrin protein abundance determined by Western blotting was increased in both mid- and late-pregnant rats. The apical localization of pendrin was also increased in late-pregnant rats compared with virgins by immunohistochemistry. Pregnant rats displayed an increased natriuretic response to hydrochlorothiazide compared with virgins. Given that NCC expression is decreased in late pregnancy, an increased thiazide sensitivity may be due to inhibition of upregulated pendrin-NDCBE-coupled sodium reabsorption. Thus, increased pendrin in pregnant rats may compensate for the decreased NCC and aid in the renal sodium chloride reabsorption of pregnancy.
Adrenomedullin (ADM) is a vasodilator that causes natriuresis and diuresis. However, the direct effect of ADM on osmotic water permeability in the rat inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) has not been tested. We investigated whether ADM and its ADM receptor components (CRLR, RAMP2, and 3) are expressed in rat inner medulla (IM) and whether ADM regulates osmotic water permeability in isolated perfused rat IMCDs. The mRNAs of ADM, CRLR, and RAMP2 and 3 were detected in rat IM. Abundant protein of CRLR and RAMP3 were also seen but RAMP2 protein level was extremely low. Adding ADM (100 nM) to the bath significantly decreased osmotic water permeability. ADM significantly decreased aquaporin-2 (AQP2) phosphorylation at Serine 256 (pS256) and increased it at Serine 261 (pS261). ADM significantly increased cAMP levels in IM. However, inhibition of cAMP by SQ22536 further decreased ADM-attenuated osmotic water permeability. Stimulation of cAMP by roflumilast increased ADM-attenuated osmotic water permeability. Previous studies show that ADM also stimulates phospholipase C (PLC) pathways including protein kinase C (PKC) and cGMP. We tested whether PLC pathways regulate ADM-attenuated osmotic water permeability. Blockade of either PLC by U73122 or PKC by rottlerin significantly augmented the ADM-attenuated osmotic water permeability and promoted pS256-AQP2 but did change pS261-AQP2. Inhibition of cGMP by L-NAME did not change AQP2 phosphorylation. In conclusion, ADM primarily binds to the CRLR-RAMP3 receptor to initiate signaling pathways in the IM. ADM reduced water reabsorption through a PLC-pathway involving PKC. ADM-attenuated water reabsorption may be related to decreased trafficking of AQP2 to the plasma membrane. cAMP is not involved in ADM-attenuated osmotic water permeability.
The detailed single-channel gating kinetics of mouse pannexin 1 (mPanx1) remains unknown, although mPanx1 is reported to be a voltage-activated anion-selective channel. We investigated characteristics of single-channel conductances and opening and closing rates of mPanx1 using patch-clamp techniques. The unitary current of mPanx1 shows outward rectification with single-channel conductances of ~20 pS for inward currents and ~80 pS for outward currents. The channel open time for outward currents (Cl(-) influx) increases linearly as the amplitude of single channel currents increases, while the open time for inward currents (Cl(-) efflux) is constant irrespective of changes in the current amplitude, as if the direction and amplitude of the unitary current regulates the open time. This is supported by further observations that replacement of extracellular Cl(-) with gluconate(-) diminishes the inward tail current (Cl(-) efflux) at a membrane potential of -100 mV due to the lowered outward current (gluconate(-) influx) at membrane potential of 100 mV. These results suggest that the direction and rate of charge-carrier movement regulate the open time of mPanx1, and that the previously reported voltage-dependence of Panx1 channel gating is not directly mediated by the membrane potential but rather by the direction and amplitude of currents through the channel.