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Rajesh Viswanathan, Email: rajesh@iisertirupati.ac.in
All authors performed experiments and analyzed data. R.V. and A.L. analyzed genome sequence data and conducted bioinformatics analyses. G.D., S.G., K.P., and A.L. created constructs; G.D. purified proteins, conducted enzyme assays, and executed chemical syntheses; C.W. and A.L. purified and identified metabolites; G.D., S.G., C.W., K.P., J.W., S.J., and A.L. executed and evaluated heterologous expression and biotransformation experiments; T.C. and M.C. prepared and analyzed macromolecular models and docking experiments; S.J., T.K., and R.V. prepared synthetic standards. A.L., T.C., and R.V. participated in manuscript writing, and all authors read and approved the final manuscript.
A.L.L. and R.V. are grateful for support from NSF RUI award #1709655. A.L.L. is thankful for support from NSF RUI award #2108060, Henry Dreyfus Teacher Scholar Award, UNF Dean’s Leadership Council faculty fellowship, and UNF Transformational Learning Opportunities grants. R.V. is thankful for support from DST-SERB Award # CRG-2020-005008 and for support from IISER Tirupati. We thank Robert Capon for providing Nocardiopsis sp. CMB-M0232, Udo Wehmeier for pUWL201, Gavin Williams for pETDuet-PhoN-IPK, Mervyn Bibb for Streptomyces host strains, Sam Xia for NMR assistance, and Sandra Loesgen for HRMS assistance. This work was supported in part by the Chemical Purification Analysis and Screening Core Facility (CPAS) at the University of South Florida Department of Chemistry, which provided ECD instrumentation and guidance from Laurent Calcul.
The authors declare no competing interests.
© The Author(s) 2023