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Tianquan Lian, Email: tlian@emory.edu
H.Z. and X.-J.W. proposed the research direction. H.Z., X.-J.W., and T.L. supervised the project. L.Z., D.X., and J.C. carried out the synthesis of the materials. L.Z., Z.L., and D.X. performed HRTEM measurements. B.C., L.Z., Y.Y., C.C., Q.Z., Y.Z., P.W., and L.G. collected dark-field STEM and EDS elemental mapping data. L.Z., S.T.G., Y.L., X.H., and C.Z. performed steady-state and TA measurements. C.L. built the 3D model of the interface. H.Y., W.Z., X.L., C.-L.T., Z.G., and C.-S.L. contributed to XPS, SEM, and XRD characterization. L.M. and Y.D. analyzed synchrotron data. Y.G., L.L., Z.H., H.W., Y.D., and J.L. discussed the experimental results. L.Z., S.T.G., Y.L., T.L., X.-J.W., and H.Z. wrote the manuscript. All authors checked the manuscript and agreed with its content.
The authors declare no competing interests.
© The Author(s) 2023