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Author Notes:

Natasha Marrus, Email: natasha@wustl.edu

CW, NM, and JNC conceptualized and designed the study. CW developed the video coding scheme, coded videos, performed primary data analyses, and drafted an initial version of the manuscript. NM and NH revised the manuscript and updated analyses. NH and JA coded videos and contributed to coding scheme revisions. KB contributed to data acquisition and curation. JD, NM, and JNC supervised the research and contributed to manuscript writing. All authors reviewed the manuscript for scientific content and interpretation, provided feedback, and approved the final manuscript.

The authors thank Anna Abbacchi for consultation on the ADOS assessment and Yi Zhang for assistance with data management. We thank the families for their time and participation.

JNC receives royalties from Western Psychological Services for the Social Responsiveness Scale. The other authors declare that they have no competing interests.


Research Funding:

This study was supported by National Institutes of Health Autism Center of Excellence R01 grant (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, HD055741 to KB as subcontract site PI for PI Joseph Piven); Autism Speaks 6020 to KB as subcontract site PI for PI Joseph Piven; the Simons Foundation 140209 to KB as subcontract site PI for PI Joseph Piven; the National Institute of Mental Health (K08 MH112891 to NM and R01 MH100027 to JNC); National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (R01 HD068479 to JNC), and the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Centers at Washington University (National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 1P50 HD103525 to JNC).


  • Science & Technology
  • Life Sciences & Biomedicine
  • Clinical Neurology
  • Neurosciences
  • Neurosciences & Neurology
  • Autism
  • Social orienting
  • Social attention
  • Cross-species
  • Social motivation

Social attention during object engagement: toward a cross-species measure of preferential social orienting


Journal Title:



Volume 14, Number 1


, Pages 58-58

Type of Work:

Article | Final Publisher PDF


Background: A central challenge in preclinical research investigating the biology of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the translation of ASD-related social phenotypes across humans and animal models. Social orienting, an observable, evolutionarily conserved behavior, represents a promising cross-species ASD phenotype given that disrupted social orienting is an early-emerging ASD feature with evidence for predicting familial recurrence. Here, we adapt a competing-stimulus social orienting task from domesticated dogs to naturalistic play behavior in human toddlers and test whether this approach indexes decreased social orienting in ASD. Methods: Play behavior was coded from the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) in two samples of toddlers, each with and without ASD. Sample 1 (n = 16) consisted of community-ascertained research participants, while Sample 2 involved a prospective study of infants at a high or low familial liability for ASD (n = 67). Coding quantified the child’s looks towards the experimenter and caregiver, a social stimulus, while playing with high-interest toys, a non-social stimulus. A competing-stimulus measure of “Social Attention During Object Engagement” (SADOE) was calculated by dividing the number of social looks by total time spent playing with toys. SADOE was compared based on ASD diagnosis and differing familial liability for ASD. Results: In both samples, toddlers with ASD exhibited significantly lower SADOE compared to toddlers without ASD, with large effect sizes (Hedges’ g ≥ 0.92) driven by a lower frequency of child-initiated spontaneous looks. Among toddlers at high familial likelihood of ASD, toddlers with ASD showed lower SADOE than toddlers without ASD, while SADOE did not differ based on presence or absence of familial ASD risk alone. SADOE correlated negatively with ADOS social affect calibrated severity scores and positively with the Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales social subscale. In a binary logistic regression model, SADOE alone correctly classified 74.1% of cases, which rose to 85.2% when combined with cognitive development. Conclusions: This work suggests that a brief behavioral measure pitting a high-interest nonsocial stimulus against the innate draw of social partners can serve as a feasible cross-species measure of social orienting, with implications for genetically informative behavioral phenotyping of social deficits in ASD and other neurodevelopmental disorders.

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