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Deepak Kaushal, Southwest National Primate Research Center, Texas Biomedical Research Institute, 8715 W. Military Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78227, USA. Phone: 210.258.9209; Email: dkaushal@txbiomed.org
Jyothi Rengarajan, Emory Vaccine Center 954 Gatewood Road, Room 1022, Atlanta, Georgia 30329, USA. Phone: 404.727.8174; Email: jrengar@emory.edu
DK and JR conceptualized and funded this research. DK, RS, JR, SM, TWF, and CLD designed the experiments. RS, SRG, DKS, JC, RT, CAP, VS, OG, EJD, SHU, and SM performed the experiments. RS, SRG, TWF, RT, CAP, VS, OG, EJD, SHU, SM, DK, and JR analyzed the results. RS, DK, NG, LSS, and JR wrote the manuscript.
The authors acknowledge the invaluable contribution of the Veterinary and Pathology services and staff; Renee Escalona, Jesse Martinez, and Colin Chubafor histology support; Dedra Brown, Karla Valle, and Mariana Rodriguez for necropsy support at SNPRC and Texas Biomedical Research Institute.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interest exists.
This research was supported by institutional grants from the Office of the Director, NIH grant P51OD011133 (to SNPRC), and NIH grant S10OD028732, which provide core support to experiments and were funded by donor funds from the Texas Biomedical Research Institute.
This research was supported by philanthropic funding to Texas Biomedical Research Institute.
© 2022 Sharan et al.