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Homa Ghalei, hghalei@emory.edu
R. E. D.-W., S. K., and H. G. conceptualization; R. E. D.-W., S. K., V. M., Y. M., and H. G. methodology; R. E. D.-W., S. K., V. M., Y. M., and H. G. validation; R. E. D.-W., L. N. C., S. K., V. M., Y. M., and H. G. formal analysis; R. E. D.-W., L. N. C., S. K., V. M., and H. G. investigation; R. E. D.-W. and H. G. writing-original draft; R. E. D.-W., L. N. C., S. K., Y. M., and H. G. writing-review & editing; R. E. D.-W., L. N. C., and H. G. visualization; S. K., Y. M., and H. G. supervision; V. M. data curation; Y. M. and H. G. resources; Y. M. and H. G. project administration; Y. M. and H. G. funding acquisition.
We thank Drs David Bedwell, John Dinman, Alan Hinnebusch, and Sunnie Thompson for the gift of plasmids. We also thank members of the Ghalei lab and Dr Anita Corbett for discussions and comments on the manuscript.
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest with the contents of this article.
This work was supported by the National Institute of Health grant 1R35GM138123 and Emory University Research Committee (URC) Grant 00106132 (to H. G.) and by ANR grant MetRibo2020 and Région Grand Est FRCR grant EpiARN (to Y. M.).
R. E. D-W. was supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
© 2022 The Authors