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D Robert Dufour, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Service, 113, VA Medical Center, 50 Irving Street NW, Washington, DC 20422. Fax 202-745-8284d. Email: robert.dufour@med.va.gov
Development and publication of these guidelines were supported by grants from Abbot Diagnostics; Diasorin, Inc.; Bayer Diagnostics (formerly Chiron Diagnostics); Innogenetics, Inc.; and Ortho Clinical Diagnostics. The following individuals reviewed the guidelines at various stages of their development and offered helpful comments and modifications: Miriam Alter, Henry C. Bodenheimer, Thomas D. Boyer, Max A. Chernesky, Gary L. Davis, Jean C. Edmond, Stuart C. Gordon, Norman D. Grace, F. Blaine Hollinger, Donald M. Jensen, Lawrence A. Kaplan, Jacob Korula, Karen Lindsay, Brian J. McMahon, Jan M. Novak, Melissa Palmer, Eve A. Roberts, James R. Spivey, Thomas A. Shaw-Stiffel, and Myron Warshaw. Specific comments were provided by the following individuals during open discussion at the AACC Annual Meeting: Ed Ashwood, Bill Brock, Thomas Burgess, Jack Goldberg, Ajit Golwikar, Neal Greenberg, Michael Heinz, Richard Horowitz, Graham Johns, Ronald Lee, Steve Lobell, Greg Post, Phil Rosenthal, Norbert Tietz, Mark Walter, Earl Weissman, William Winter, and Jeffery Youn.
© 2000 The American Association for Clinical Chemistry