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Saraschandra Vallabhajosyula, MD, MSc, Section of Interventional Cardiology, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, 1364 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30322. E‐mail: svalla4@emory.edu
Study design, literature review, statistical analysis: S.H.P., A.K., W.C., R.P.D., and S.V.; data management, data analysis, article drafting: S.H.P., A.K., W.C., R.P.D., and S.V.; access to data: S.H.P., A.K., W.C., R.P.D., J.M.S., D.R.H., M.R.B., M.S., and S.V.; article revision, intellectual revisions, mentorship: J.M.S., D.R.H., M.R.B., M.S., and S.V.; final approval: S.H.P., A.K., W.C., R.P.D., J.M.S., D.R.H., M.R.B., M.S., and S.V.
Diclosures: None
© 2021 The Authors. Published on behalf of the American Heart Association, Inc., by Wiley.