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Joshy Jacob
S.H.L and J.J. designed experiments and wrote the manuscript. S.H.L., E.H.K. G.D., D.J.H. and J.T.O. designed the experimental procedures. J.W helped with developing the focus forming assay. S.G. and S.G. determined host defense peptide sequences. K.M.Q., J.R.B., J.O., I.S., and M.S carried out the Zika virus infection studies in mice.
We gratefully acknowledge Dr. William Shafer, Jessica Shartouny and Caitlin Bohannon for helpful discussions.
The authors declare no competing interests.
The Electron Microscopy data described here was gathered on the JEOL JEM-1400 120kV TEM supported by a National Institutes of Health Grant S10 RR025679. This work was funded in part by the National Institutes of Health grants R01AI100110 (J.J), U19AI083019 (M.S) and R56AI110516 (M.S.S). R56AI110516 (M.S) and ORIP/OD P51OD011132 (M.S and J.J), Emory University Department of Pediatrics Junior Faculty Focused Award (M.S.S), Emory Vaccine Center, and The Georgia Research Alliance (M.S).
© The Author(s) 2021.