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Synho Do, Email: sdo@mgh.harvard.edu
H.L. and S.D. initiated and designed the research. S.D. supervised the data collection. H.L., S.D., M.K. and S.H.T. acquired the data. H.L. and C.H. executed the research, developed the algorithms, and implemented software tools for the experiments. H.L., C.H. and S.Y. interpreted the data and analyzed the results. H.L., C.H. and S.H.T. wrote the manuscript. H.L. prepared all tables and figures. C.H. prepared sinograms with three different levels of sampling for the experiments. All authors reviewed the manuscript.
S.D. is a consultant of Nulogix Health and Doai and received research supports from ZCAI, Tplus, and MediBloc.
© The Author(s) 2019