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Corresponding author: Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health, Department of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education, 1518 Clifton Road NE Room 557, Atlanta, GA 30322, United States. Tel.: +1 404 727 3546; fax: +1 404 727 1369. darren.mays@gmail.com (D. Mays).
Darren Mays led the development of the study, data collection, data analysis, and preparation of the manuscript.
Drs. Windle, Thompson, and Kushner contributed to the development of the study, the interpretation of the findings, and the preparation of the manuscript.
Dr. David Mays and Mr. Derrick Farmer assisted with data collection and contributed to previous drafts of the manuscript.
All authors have approved submission of the manuscript for publication.
The authors have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.
Role of Funding Source: This was an unfunded research study, conducted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for author Darren Mays’ doctoral degree in Behavioral Sciences and Health Education at Emory University.
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