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Adrian V. Jaeggi, Department of Anthropology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322. Email: E-mail address: adrian.jaeggi@emory.edu
AJ, KK, and RH conceived of the study and wrote the manuscript; MG edited; KK, RH, MG, CG, and HK contributed data; EK collected data on geographic locations.
We thank Daniel Thompson and Erik Willems for help with GIS and Charles Nunn for advice on the statistical method.
Research by Kramer among the Maya was supported by NSF BCS-0964031, and among the Pumé by NSF BCS-0349963; Hames’ research on Yanomamö and Ye’kwana was supported by an NIMH predoctoral fellowship, Grant No. NIMH 5 R01 MH 26008-SSR; research by Gomes on the Sanöma was supported by NSF postdoctoral grant; and research on the Tsimane’ by Gurven, Kaplan, and Jaeggi were supported by NSF (BCS-0422690) and NIH/NIA (R01AG024119)
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