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Correspondence should be addressed to I.S. Ignacio.sanz@emory.edu. current address: Biotherapeutic Technologies; Pfizer, Cambridge, MA, USA
Author Contributions: C.M.T. obtained most samples, conducted sample prep and cell sorting, designed and conducted the next-gen sequencing studies, analyzed and interpreted the data, helped to design figures and helped to write the manuscript.
C.F.F. and A.F.R. wrote the programs used for next-gen sequencing analysis, helped in data interpretation, produced visualizations of the data, and helped to design and produce the figures. J.D., I.G., S.S., and W.C.C. conducted and analyzed the proteomics studies.
T.I. conducted the ELISPOT experiments. A.C. conducted the experiments with single-cell monoclonal antibodies.
J.H. obtained the pemphigus samples, conducted some sequencing studies and helped with the analysis. S.J. helped with sequencing analysis.
R.J.F. provided the pemphigus samples. R.M. provided the IgTree program and aided in analysis. C.W. provided flow cytometry data and helped with its analysis. F.E-H.L. provided the vaccinated samples and aided in data analysis.
I.S. designed and supervised the project, helped in experimental design, analysis and wrote the manuscript.
We thank F. Stevenson (Tenovus Laboratories, Southampton, U.K.) for the 9G4 hybridoma and E. Meffre (Yale University) for expression vectors.
We would also like to thank the blood donors and research coordinators involved in this study.
Competing Financial Interests: I.S. is a member of Pfizer Visiting Professor Board and in the last years has consulted for Genentech on B cell-depleting agents. F.E-H.L. has grants with Genentech. The other authors have no competing financial interests to declare.
Supported by grants U19 AI110483 (Autoimmunity Center of Excellence), 5P01AI078907, 5R37AI049660.