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Author Notes:

Email: wtaylor@emory.edu

Conceived and designed the experiments: ICC JDS LHT AV RPV RV JNO WRT. Performed the experiments: ICC JDS. Analyzed the data: ICC JDS RV. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: ICC JDS LHT RV JNO WRT. Wrote the paper: ICC JDS LHT AV RPV RV JNO WRT.

We would like to thank Lila Adams at CVPath and Giji Joseph at Emory University for their assistance with histology and Lu Hilenski in Emory University's Microscopy in Medicine Core for assistance with confocal microscopy.

John Oshinski is a consultant for Neostem. Renu Virmani is employed by the CVPath Institute, Inc. and consults and/or receives honoraria from the following: Abbott Vascular, Biosensors International, Boston Scientific, CeloNova, Cordis J&J, Lutonix, Medtronic AVE, Terumo, 480 Biomedical, and W.L. Gore. She receives research support from Abbott Vascular, Atrium Medical Corporation, Biosensors International, Biotronik, CeloNova, Cordis J&J, GlaxoSmithKline, Kona Medical, Medtronic, MicroPort Medical, OrbusNeich Medical, ReCor Medical, SINO Medical Technology, Terumo Corporation, 480 Biomedical, and W.L. Gore, and she is a member of the speaker's bureau for Merck.

Ian Campbell, Jonathan Suever, Lucas Timmins, Alessandro Veneziani, Raymond Vito, and W. Robert Taylor have no conflicts to declare. This does not alter the authors' adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.


Research Funding:

This material is based upon work supported by an American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship (ICC), an American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship (LHT), by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under Grant No. DGE-0644493 (ICC and JDS), by the National Institutes of Health Bioengineering Research Partnership Grant No. R01 HL70531, and a NIH Program of Excellence in Nanotechnology Award (HHSN268201000043C).

The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


  • Science & Technology
  • Multidisciplinary Sciences
  • Science & Technology - Other Topics

Biomechanics and Inflammation in Atherosclerotic Plaque Erosion and Plaque Rupture: Implications for Cardiovascular Events in Women


Journal Title:



Volume 9, Number 11


, Pages e111785-e111785

Type of Work:

Article | Final Publisher PDF


Objective: Although plaque erosion causes approximately 40% of all coronary thrombi and disproportionally affects women more than men, its mechanism is not well understood. The role of tissue mechanics in plaque rupture and regulation of mechanosensitive inflammatory proteins is well established, but their role in plaque erosion is unknown. Given obvious differences in morphology between plaque erosion and rupture, we hypothesized that inflammation in general as well as the association between local mechanical strain and inflammation known to exist in plaque rupture may not occur in plaque erosion. Therefore, our objective was to determine if similar mechanisms underlie plaque rupture and plaque erosion. Copyright:

Copyright information:

© 2014 Campbell et al

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