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The authors of this article, published in Archivaria 72 (Fall 2011), were awarded the W.Kaye Lamb Prize for 2012. This prize is given annually to the author of an article appearing in ARCHIVARIA -- the Journal of the Association of Canadian Archivists -- that, by its exceptional combination of research, reflection, and writing, most advances archival thinking in Canada.


A Comprehensive Approach to Born-Digital Archives


Journal Title:



Volume 72


, Pages 61-92

Type of Work:

Article | Final Publisher PDF


This paper discusses how the arrival of born-digital content into archives operating systems and complex digital collections, archives must build upon practices developed over recent decades in the handling of electronic records while also radically reconsidering the extent of acquisition and approaches to access. These changes are discussed within the context of the manuscripts and computers that comprise Salman Rushdie’s personal literary “papers,” which are housed in Emory University’s Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library (MARBL). Early in the development of the Rushdie project, the library made a commitment to approach the material as holistically as possible, to prioritize the integration of paper and digital, and to balance the needs of donors with those of researchers. The paper will outline how the library developed researcher tools that allow concurrent exploration of the paper material and the born-digital material via emulation and item-level, database-driven searches.
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