Wilbur Lam MD, PhD


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Works 1-10 of 103

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Complement inhibition can decrease the haemostatic response in a microvascular bleeding model at multiple levels

by Murielle Golomingi; Jessie Kohler; Christina Lamers; Richard B Pouw; Daniel Ricklin; József Dobó; Péter Gál; Gábor Pál; Bence Kiss; Arthur Dopler; Christoph Q Schmidt; Elaissa Trybus Hardy; Wilbur Lam; Verena Schroeder



Rapid, high throughput, automated detection of SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies against Wuhan-WT, delta and omicron BA1, BA2 spike trimers

by Narayanaiah Cheedarla; Hans P. Verkerke; Sindhu Potlapalli; Kaleb Benjamin McLendon; Anamika Patel; Filipp Frank; William Henry O'Sick; Suneethamma Cheedarla; Tyler Jon Baugh; Gregory L. Damhorst; Huixia Wu; Daniel Graciaa; Fuad Hudaib; David Alter; Janetta Bryksin; Eric Ortlund; Jeannette Guarner; Sara Auld; Sarita Shah; Wilbur Lam; Dawn Mattoon; Joseph M. Johnson; David H. Wilson; Madhav Dhodapkar; Sean Stowell; Andrew Neish; John Roback



iCLOTS: open-source, artificial intelligence-enabled software for analyses of blood cells in microfluidic and microscopy-based assays

by Meredith E. Fay; Oluwamayokun Oshinowo; Elizabeth Iffrig; Kirby S. Fibben; Christina Caruso; Scott Hansen; Jamie O. Musick; Jose M. Valdez; Sally S. Azer; Robert Mannino; Hyoann Choi; Dan Y. Zhang; Evelyn K. Williams; Erica N. Evans; Celeste K. Kanne; Melissa Kemp; Vivien Sheehan; Marcus A. Carden; Carolyn Bennett; David K. Wood; Wilbur Lam



Effect of swab pooling on the Accula point-of-care RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 detection

by Moira Lancelot; Kirby Fibben; Julie Sullivan; William O'Sick; Kaleb McLendon; Huixia Wu; Anuradha Rao; Leda Bassit; Morgan Greenleaf; Pamela Miller; Wolfgang Krull; Erika Tyburski; John Roback; Wilbur Lam; Gregory L. Damhorst



Respiratory Coinfections in Children With SARS-CoV-2

by Adrianna Westbrook; Tingyu Wang; Kushmita Bhakta; Julie Sullivan; Mark Gonzalez; Wilbur Lam; Christina Rostad



Microfluidic methods to advance mechanistic understanding and translational research in sickle cell disease

by Melissa Azul; Eudorah F. Vital; Wilbur Lam; David K. Wood; Joan D. Beckman



Designing for simplicity: lessons from Mesa Biotech for microfluidic entrepreneurs and early-stage companies

by Morgan N. Greenleaf; Gregory L. Damhorst; David N. Ku; Eric Nehl; Erika A. Tyburski; Oliver Brand; Gregory Martin; Wilbur Lam