Stewart Factor DO


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Works 1-10 of 77

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Peptidoglycan Recognition Protein Genes and Risk of Parkinson's Disease

by Samuel M. Goldman; Freya Kamel; G. Webster Ross; Sarah A. Jewell; Connie Marras; Jane A. Hoppin; David M. Umbach; Grace S. Bhudhikanok; Cheryl Meng; Monica Korell; Kathleen Comyns; Robert A. Hauser; Joseph Jankovic; Stewart Factor; Susan Bressman; Kelly E. Lyons; Dale P. Sandler; J. William Langston; Caroline M. Tanner



Data-driven evolution of neurosurgical gene therapy delivery in Parkinson's disease

by R. Mark Richardson; Krystof S. Bankiewicz; Chadwick W. Christine; Amber D. Van Laar; Robert Gross; Russell Lonser; Stewart Factor; Sandra K. Kostyk; Adrian P. Kells; Bernard Ravina; Paul S. Larson



Stool Immune Profiles Evince Gastrointestinal Inflammation in Parkinson's Disease

by Madelyn C. Houser; Jianjun Chang; Stewart Factor; Eric S. Molho; Cyrus P. Zabetian; Erin M. Hill-Burns; Haydeh Payami; Vicki S Hertzberg; Malu Tansey



Practical Evaluation and Management of Insomnia in Parkinson's Disease: A Review

by Douglas M. Wallace; William K. Wohlgemuth; Lynn Trotti; Amy W. Amara; Irene A. Malaty; Stewart Factor; Sagarika Nallu; Lara Wittine; Robert A. Hauser



Postural instability/gait disturbance in Parkinson's disease has distinct subtypes: an exploratory analysis

by Stewart Factor; Nelson Steenland; Donald S. Higgins; Eric S. Molho; Denise M. Kay; Jennifer Montimurro; Ami Rosen; Cyrus P. Zabetian; Haydeh Payami