Peng Jin PhD


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Works 1-10 of 132

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Insight and Recommendations for Fragile X-Premutation-Associated Conditions from the Fifth International Conference on FMR1 Premutation

by Flora Tassone; Dragana Protic; Emily Graves Allen; Alison Archibald; Anna Baud; Ted Brown; Dejan Budimirovic; Jonathan Cohen; Brett Dufour; Rachel Eiges; Nicola Elvassore; Lidia Gabis; Samantha Grudzien; Deborah Hall; David Hessl; Abigail Hogan; Jessica Ezzell Hunter; Peng Jin; Jiraanont Poonnada; Jessica Klusek; R. Frank Kooy; Claudine Kraan; Cecilia Laterza; Andrea Lee; Karen Lipworth; Molly Losh; Danuta Loesch; Reymundo Lozano; Marsha Mailick; Apostolos Manolopoulos; Veronica Martinez-Cerdeno; Yingratana McLennan; Robert Miller; Federica Alice Maria Montanaro; Matthew Mosconi; Sarah Nelson Potter; Melissa Raspa; Susan Rivera; Katharine Shelly; Peter Todd; Katarzyna Tutak; Jun Yi Wang; Anne Wheeler; Tri Indah Winarni; Marwa Zafarullah; Randi Hagerman



DICER1 and microRNA regulation in post-traumatic stress disorder with comorbid depression

by Aliza Wingo; Lynn Almli; Jennifer J. Stevens; Torsten Klengel; Monica Uddin; Yujing Li; Angela C. Bustamante; Adriana Lori; Nastassja Koen; Dan J. Stein; Alicia Smith; Allison E. Aiello; Karestan C. Koenen; Derek E. Wildman; Sandro Galea; Bekh Bradley-Davino; Elisabeth Binder; Peng Jin; Greg Gibson; Kerry Ressler



DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation in stem cells

by Ying Cheng; Nina Xie; Peng Jin; Tao Wang



Structural basis of nucleic-acid recognition and double-strand unwinding by the essential neuronal protein Pur-alpha.

by Janine Weber; Han Bao; Christoph Hartlmüller; Zhiqin Wang; Almut Windhager; Robert Janowski; Tobias Madl; Peng Jin; Dierk Niessing



Combined Loss of Tet1 and Tet2 Promotes B Cell, but Not Myeloid Malignancies, in Mice

by Zhigang Zhao; Li Chen; Meelad M. Dawlaty; Feng Pan; Ophelia Weeks; Yuan Zhou; Zeng Cao; Hui Shi; Jiapeng Wang; Li Lin; Shi Chen; Weiping Yuan; Zhaohui Qin; Hongyu Ni; Stephen D. Nimer; Feng-Chun Yang; Rudolf Jaenisch; Peng Jin; Mingjiang Xu