Michael Epstein PhD


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Works 1-10 of 65

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SR-TWAS: Leveraging Multiple Reference Panels to Improve TWAS Power by Ensemble Machine Learning.

by Randy L. Parrish; Aron S. Buchman; Shinya Tasaki; Yanling Wang; Denis Avey; Jishu Xu; Philip L. De Jager; David A. Bennett; Michael Epstein; Jingjing Yang



Trio-based GWAS identifies novel associations and subtype-specific risk factors for cleft palate

by Kelsey Robinson; Trenell J Mosley; Kenneth S Rivera-Gonzalez; Christopher R Jabbarpour; Ssarh W Curtis; Wasiu Lanre Adeyemo; Terri H Beaty; Azeez Butali; Carmen J Buxó; David Cutler; Michael Epstein; Lord JJ Gowans; Jacqueline T Hect; Jeffrey C Murray; Gary M Shaw; Lina Moreno Uribe; Seth M Weinberg; Harrison Brand; Mary L Marazita; Robert J Lipinski; Elizabeth Leslie