The goal of this study was to examine time-dependent effects of prognostic biomarkers of systemic inflammation in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Retrospective chart reviews were conducted at the Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University and the Atlanta Veterans Administration Medical Center with authorization from the Emory University Institutional Review Board and the Veterans Administration Research and Development Committee. Inclusion criteria included age ⩾18 years, treatment with targeted therapy for clear cell or non–clear cell metastatic renal cell carcinoma and concomitant assessment of C-reactive protein and albumin levels on ⩾3 occasions that were ⩾10 days apart. Discovery, expansion, and external validation cohorts were identified. Established prognostic variables were evaluated by univariate and multivariate analyses. Intensity of systemic inflammation was assessed at all time points with C-reactive protein and albumin as prognostic covariates for overall survival in an extended Cox regression model. Intensity of systemic inflammation was assessed on 3186 occasions in 181 patients. Risk status changed in 131 patients (72%). The hazard ratio for overall survival was 21.41 (95% confidence interval = 8.26–55.50) with a type 3 p value of <0.001 for the reference cohort and 9.68 (2.07–45.31) with a type-3 p value of 0.006 for the external validation cohort when time points associated with severe systemic inflammation were compared to all other time points. The bias-corrected c-statistic was 0.839 (0.773–0.905) and 0.818 (0.691–0.946), respectively. Terminal disease progression with severe systemic inflammation was detected in 87% of the 90 patients who died. In conclusion, time-dependent effects are a prominent feature of intensity of systemic inflammation, a powerful prognostic biomarker for metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
In this descriptive study, we evaluated perceptions and knowledge of inpatient glycemic control among resident physicians.
We performed this study at four academic medical centers: the University of Mississippi Medical Center, University of Virginia Health System, University of Louisville Health Sciences Center, and Emory University. We designed a questionnaire, and Institutional Review Board approval was granted at each institution prior to study initiation. We then administered the questionnaire to Internal Medicine and Medicine-Pediatric resident physicians.
A total of 246 of 438 (56.2%) eligible resident physicians completed the Inpatient Glycemic Control Questionnaire (IGCQ). Most respondents (85.4%) reported feeling comfortable treating and managing inpatient hyperglycemia, and a majority (66.3%) agreed they had received adequate education. Despite self-reported comfort with knowledge, only 51.2% of respondents could identify appropriate glycemic targets in critically ill patients. Only 45.5% correctly identified appropriate inpatient random glycemic target values in noncritically ill patients, and only 34.1% of respondents knew appropriate preprandial glycemic targets in noncritically ill patients. A small majority (54.1%) were able to identify the correct fingerstick glucose value that defines hypoglycemia. System issues were the most commonly cited barrier to successful inpatient glycemic control.
Most respondents reported feeling comfortable managing inpatient hyperglycemia but had difficulty identifying appropriate inpatient glycemic target values. Future interventions could utilize the IGCQ as a pre- and postassessment tool and focus on early resident education along with improving system environments to aid in successful inpatient glycemic control. (Endocr Pract. 2019;25:1295–1303)
A spontaneous aortocaval fistula is a rare complication of abdominal aortic aneurysms. In 50 percent of the patients, it presents with the classic signs of a pulsatile abdominal mass, continuous bruit, and low back pain. A high degree of clinical suspicion and a well-performed physical examination are important for its timely diagnosis.
Context: Bite-sized learning is an instructional method that utilizes brief, focused learning units. This approach may be beneficial in medical education given demands on learner time and cognitive load. This study aims to assess the impact of this approach on knowledge acquisition and learner attitudes in postgraduate medical education. Methods: An instructional method, termed Bite-Sized Teaching (BST), was implemented within the curriculum at a US Internal Medicine postgraduate training program. In BST, content is distilled into manageable units focused on relevant schemas and delivered via brief peer teaching. A two-fold assessment of BST was performed that included cross sectional survey to assess learner attitudes and experiences and a controlled study to assess knowledge acquisition with BST and case-based teaching control. Results: One hundred and six of 171 residents (62% response rate) completed the survey. Most residents (79.8%) reported BST was among the best conference types in the curriculum. Important components of BST cited by residents include the distilled content, multiple short talk format and peer teaching. Residents report incorporating what they learned via BST into their teaching (76.1%) and clinical practice (74.1%). Resident who had participated as speaker were significantly more likely to report incorporating learning from BST into their teaching (87.2% vs 63.0%, p < 0.01, Cramer’s V effect size = 0.37) and clinical practice (89.7% vs 65.3%, p = 0.02, Cramer’s V effect size 0.28). Fifty-one residents participated in the knowledge assessment. Residents taught via BST scored significantly higher on immediate post-test compared to case-based teaching (score [SE] 62.5% [1.9] vs 55.2% [2.4], p = 0.03, Hedges g effect size 0.66). While both groups improved over pretest, there was no significant difference in scores between BST and case-based teaching at two (score [SE] 57.1 [2.1] vs 54.8 [2.5], p = 0.54) and six weeks (score [SD] 55.9 [2.1] vs 53.0 [2.9], p = 0.43). Conclusions: Teaching via brief, focused learning units delivered by peers is well received by learners and appears to have a significantly greater impact on immediate knowledge recall than case-based teaching. Further study on long term knowledge retention and behaviors is needed. Bite-Sized Teaching may be a promising instructional approach in medical education.