Jeffrey Rakofsky MD


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Works 1-10 of 18

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Satisfaction of family members with inpatient psychiatric care and its correlates: A national survey in China

by Feng Jiang; Linlin Hu; Ruiping Zhao; Huixuan Zhou; Yinuo Wu; Jeffrey Rakofsky; Tinfang Liu; Huanzhong Liu; Yuanli Liu; Yilang Tang



Contribution of Rare Copy Number Variants to Bipolar Disorder Risk Is Limited to Schizoaffective Cases

by Alexander W. Charney; Eli A. Stahl; Elaine K. Green; Chia-Yen Chen; Jennifer L. Moran; Kimberley Chambert; Richard A. Belliveau; Liz Forty; Katherine Gordon-Smith; Phil H. Lee; Evelyn J. Bromet; Peter F. Buckley; Michael A. Escamilla; Ayman H. Fanous; Laura J. Fochtmann; Douglas S. Lehrer; Dolores Malaspina; Stephen R. Marder; Christopher P. Morley; Humberto Nicolini; Diana O. Perkins; Jeffrey Rakofsky; Mark Rapaport; Helena Medeiros; Janet L. Sobell; Lena Backlund; Sarah E. Bergen; Anders Jureus; Martin Schalling; Paul Lichtenstein; James A. Knowles; Katherine E. Burdick; Ian Jones; Lisa A. Jones; Christina M. Hultman; Roy Perlis; Shaun M. Purcell; Steven A. McCarroll; Carlos N. Pato; Michele T. Pato; Ariana Di Florio; Nick Craddock; Mikael Landen; Jordan W. Smoller; Douglas M. Ruderfer; Pamela Sklar



Satisfaction of psychiatric inpatients in China: clinical and institutional correlates in a national sample

by Feng Jiang; Jeffrey Rakofsky; Huixuan Zhou; Linlin Hu; Tingfang Liu; Shichao Wu; Pengyu Zhao; Huanzhong Liu; Yuanli Liu; Yilang Tang



Evidence for genetic heterogeneity between clinical subtypes of bipolar disorder

by AW Charney; DM Ruderfer; EA Stahl; JL Moran; K Chambert; RA Belliveau; L Forty; K Gordon-Smith; A Di Florio; PH Lee; EJ Bromet; PF Buckley; MA Escamilla; AH Fanous; LJ Fochtmann; DS Lehrer; D Malaspina; SR Marder; CP Morley; H Nicolini; DO Perkins; Jeffrey Rakofsky; Mark Rapaport



Cigarette Smoking, Health-Related Behaviors, and Burnout Among Mental Health Professionals in China: A Nationwide Survey

by Lei Xia; Feng Jiang; Jeffrey Rakofsky; Yulong Zhang; Kai Zhang; Tingfang Liu; Yuanli Liu; Huanzhong Liu; Yilang Tang