Quinton Katler;
Karolina M. Stepien;
Nathan Paull;
Sneh Patel;
Michael Adams;
Mehmet Cihan Balci;
Gerard T. Berry;
Annet M. Bosch;
Angela De La O;
Didem Demirbas;
Julianna Edman;
Can Ficicioglu;
Melanie Goff;
Stephanie Hacker;
Ina Knerr;
Kristen Lancaster;
Hong Li;
Bryce A. Mendelsohn;
Brandi Nichols;
Wladimir Bocca Vieira de Rezende Pinto;
Júlio César Rocha;
M. Estela Rubio-Gozalbo;
Michael Saad-Maguib;
Sabine Scholl-Buergi;
Sarah Searcy;
Paulo Victor Sgobbi de Souza;
Angela L Wittenauer;
Judith Fridovich-Keil
Patients with galactosemia who carry the S135L (c.404C>T) variant of GALT, documented to encode low-level residual GALT activity, have been under-represented in most prior studies of outcomes in Type 1 galactosemia. What is known about the acute and long-term outcomes of these patients, therefore, is based on very limited data. Here, we present a study comparing acute and long-term outcomes of 12 patients homozygous for S135L, 25 patients compound heterozygous for S135L, and 105 patients homozygous for two GALT-null (G) alleles. This is the largest cohort of S135L patients characterized to date. Acute disease following milk exposure in the newborn period was common among patients in all 3 comparison groups in our study, as were long-term complications in the domains of speech, cognition, and motor outcomes. In contrast, while at least 80% of both GALT-null and S135L compound heterozygous girls and women showed evidence of an adverse ovarian outcome, prevalence was only 25% among S135L homozygotes. Further, all young women in this study with even one copy of S135L achieved spontaneous menarche; this is true for only about 33% of women with classic galactosemia. Overall, we observed that while most long-term outcomes trended milder among groups of patients with even one copy of S135L, many individual patients, either homozygous or compound heterozygous for S135L, nonetheless experienced long-term outcomes that were not mild. This was true despite detection by newborn screening and both early and life-long dietary restriction of galactose. This information should empower more evidence-based counseling for galactosemia patients with S135L.
Classic galactosemia (CG) is a potentially lethal inborn error of metabolism that results from the profound loss of galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (GALT), the second enzyme in the Leloir pathway of galactose metabolism. Neonatal detection and dietary restriction of galactose minimizes or resolves the acute sequelae of CG, but fails to prevent the long-term complications experienced by a majority of patients. One of the substrates of GALT, galactose-1-phosphate (Gal-1P), accumulates to high levels in affected infants, especially following milk exposure, and has been proposedasthe key mediator of acute and long-term pathophysiology in CG. However, studies of treated patients demonstrate no association between red blood cell Gal-1P level and long-term outcome severity. Here, we used genetic, epigenetic and environmental manipulations of a Drosophila melanogaster model of CG to test the role of Gal-1P as acandidate mediator of outcome in GALT deficiency. Specifically, we both deleted and knocked down the gene encoding galactokinase (GALK) in control and GALT-null Drosophila, and assessed the acute and long-term outcomes of the resulting animals in the presence and absence of dietary galactose. GALK is the first enzyme in the Leloir pathway of galactose metabolism and is responsible for generating Gal-1P in humans and Drosophila. Our data confirmed that, as expected, loss of GALK lowered or eliminated Gal-1P accumulation in GALT-null animals. However, we saw no concomitant rescue of larval survival or adult climbing or fecundity phenotypes. Instead, we saw that loss of GALK itself was not benign and in some cases phenocopied or exacerbated the outcome seen in GALT-null animals. These findings strongly contradict the long-standing hypothesis that Gal-1P alone underlies pathophysiology of acute and long-term outcomes in GALT-null Drosophila and suggests that other metabolite(s) of galactose, and/or other pathogenic factors, might be involved.
Decades of public health research have documented that smoking in pregnancy poses significant health risks to both mother and child. More recent studies have shown that even passive maternal exposure to secondhand smoke associates with negative birth outcomes. However, the mechanisms linking exposure to outcomes have remained obscure. As a first step toward defining the metabolic consequence of low-level nicotine exposure on fetal development, we conducted an untargeted metabolomic analysis of 81 paired samples of maternal serum and amniotic fluid collected from karyotypically normal pregnancies in the second trimester. By comparing the m/z and retention times of our mass spectral features with confirmed standards, we identified cotinine, a nicotine derivative, and used the calculated cotinine concentrations to classify our maternal serum samples into exposure groups using previously defined cut-offs. We found that cotinine levels consistent with low-level maternal exposure to nicotine associated with distinct metabolic perturbations, particularly in amniotic fluid. In fact, the metabolic effects in amniotic fluid of ostensibly low-level exposed mothers showed greater overlap with perturbations previously observed in the sera of adult smokers than did the perturbations observed in the corresponding maternal sera. Dysregulated fetal pathways included aspartate and asparagine metabolism, pyrimidine metabolism, and metabolism of other amino acids. We also observed a strong negative association between level of maternal serum cotinine and acetylated polyamines in the amniotic fluid. Combined, these results confirm that low-level maternal nicotine exposure, indicated by a maternal serum cotinine level of 2–10 ng/mL, is associated with striking metabolic consequences in the fetal compartment, and that the affected pathways overlap those perturbed in the sera of adult smokers.
Duarte galactosemia is a mild to asymptomatic condition that results from partial impairment of galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (GALT). Patients with Duarte galactosemia demonstrate reduced GALT activity and carry one profoundly impaired GALT allele (G) along with a second, partially impaired GALT allele (Duarte-2, D2). Molecular studies reveal at least five sequence changes on D2 alleles: a p.N314D missense substitution, three intronic base changes and a 4 bp deletion in the 5′ proximal sequence. The four non-coding sequence changes are unique to D2. The p.N314D substitution, however, is not; it is found together with a silent polymorphism, p.L218(TTA), on functionally normal Duarte-1 alleles (D1, also called Los Angeles or LA alleles). The HapMap database reveals that p.N314D is a common human variant, and cross-species comparisons implicate D314 as the ancestral allele. The p.N314D substitution is also functionally neutral in mammalian cell and yeast expression studies. In contrast, the 4 bp 5′ deletion characteristic of D2 alleles appears to be functionally impaired in reporter gene transfection studies. Here we present allele-specific qRT–PCR evidence that D2 alleles express less mRNA in vivo than their wild-type counterparts; the difference is small but statistically significant. Furthermore, we characterize the prevalence of the 4 bp deletion in GG, NN and DG populations; the deletion appears exclusive to D2 alleles. Combined, these data strongly implicate the 4 bp 5′ deletion as a causal mutation in Duarte galactosemia and suggest that direct tests for this deletion, as proposed here, could enhance or supplant current tests, which define D2 alleles on the basis of the presence and absence of linked coding sequence polymorphisms.
Classic galactosemia (CG) is an autosomal recessive disorder that impacts close to 1/50000 live births in the United States, with varying prevalence in other countries. Following exposure to milk, which contains high levels of galactose, affected infants may experience rapid onset and progression of potentially lethal symptoms. With the benefit of early diagnosis, generally by newborn screening, and immediate and lifelong dietary restriction of galactose, the acute sequelae of disease can be prevented or resolved. However, long-term complications are common, and despite many decades of research, the bases of these complications remain unexplained. As a step toward defining the underlying pathophysiology of long-term outcomes in CG, we applied an untargeted metabolomic approach with mass spectrometry and dual liquid chromatography, comparing thousands of small molecules in plasma samples from 183 patients and 31 controls. All patients were on galactose-restricted diets. Using both univariate and multivariate statistical methods, we identified 252 differentially abundant features from anion exchange chromatography and 167 differentially abundant features from C18 chromatography. Mapping these discriminatory features to putative metabolites and biochemical pathways revealed 14 significantly perturbed pathways; these included multiple redox, amino acid, and mitochondrial pathways, among others. Finally, we tested whether any discriminatory features also distinguished cases with mild vs more severe long-term outcomes and found multiple candidates, of which one achieved false discovery rate-adjusted q < 0.1. These results extend substantially from prior targeted studies of metabolic perturbation in CG and offer a new approach to identifying candidate modifiers and targets for intervention.
One of many vexing decisions faced by parents of an infant with classic galactosemia (CG) is how carefully to restrict non-dairy galactose from their growing child’s diet. Until recently, many experts recommended vigorous lifelong dietary restriction of milk and all high-galactose dairy products as well as some non-dairy sources of galactose such as legumes and specific fruits and vegetables. Recently, experts have begun to relax their recommendations. The new recommendations, that restrict only high galactose dairy products, were made in the face of uncertainty, however, because no sufficiently powered study had been reported testing for possible association between rigor of non-dairy galactose restriction and severity of long-term outcomes in CG. Here we describe the largest study of diet and outcomes in CG reported to date, conducted using information gathered from 231 patients with CG and 71 unaffected sibling controls. We compared rigor of dietary galactose restriction, measured using a 4-point scale by a retrospective parent-response survey, with outcomes including growth, adaptive behaviors, receipt of speech therapy, receipt of special educational services, and for girls and women, a plasma marker of ovarian function (AMH). Our results confirmed the expected differences between patients and controls, but among patients showed no significant association between rigor of non-dairy galactose restriction in early childhood and any of the outcomes quantified. Indeed, some weak associations were seen suggesting that rigorous restriction of non-dairy galactose may be deleterious rather than beneficial. Despite limitations, these findings support the ongoing trend toward diet liberalization with regard to non-dairy sources of galactose for children and adults with classic galactosemia.
Primary or premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) is the most common long-term complication experienced by girls and women with classic galactosemia; more than 80% and perhaps more than 90% are affected despite neonatal diagnosis and careful lifelong dietary restriction of galactose. In this review we explore the complexities of timing and detection of galactosemia-associated POI and discuss potential underlying mechanisms. Finally, we offer recommendations for follow-up care with current options for intervention.
Classic galactosemia (CG) is a potentially lethal inborn error of metabolism, if untreated, that results from profound deficiency of galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (GALT), the middle enzyme of the Leloir pathway of galactose metabolism. While newborn screening and rapid dietary restriction of galactose prevent or resolve the potentially lethal acute symptoms of CG, by mid-childhood, most treated patients experience significant complications. The mechanisms underlying these long-term deficits remain unclear. Here we introduce a new GALT-null rat model of CG and demonstrate that these rats display cataracts, cognitive, motor, and growth phenotypes reminiscent of patients outcomes. We further apply the GALT-null rats to test how well blood biomarkers, typically followed in patients, reflect metabolic perturbations in other, more relevant tissues.
Our results document that the relative levels of galactose metabolites seen in GALT deficiency differ widely by tissue and age, and that red blood cell Gal-1P, the marker most commonly followed in patients, shows no significant association with Gal-1P in other tissues. The work reported here establishes our outbred GALT-null rats as an effective model for at least four complications characteristic of CG, and sets the stage for future studies addressing mechanism and testing the efficacy of novel candidate interventions.
Classic galactosemia is a potentially lethal disorder that results from profound deficiency of galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (GALT), the second enzyme in the Leloir pathway of galactose metabolism. Although early diagnosis and rigorous dietary restriction of galactose prevent or resolve the potentially lethal acute symptoms, patients are at markedly increased risk of long-term complications including significant cognitive, speech, and behavioral difficulties, among other problems. The mechanisms that underlie these long-term complications remain unclear, as do the factors that modify their severity. Here we explored the scholastic and behavioral outcomes experienced by a cohort of 54 school age children with classic galactosemia. Data collected included survey responses from parents and teachers, school records including standardized test scores, and GALT genotype data used to estimate predicted residual GALT activity based on a yeast expression system. As expected, many but not all of the children in our study demonstrated speech, scholastic, and behavioral difficulties. Perhaps most striking, we found that predicted cryptic residual GALT activity, often below the threshold of detection of clinical assays, appeared to modify scholastic outcome. These data raise the intriguing possibility that cryptic GALT activity might also influence the severity of other long-term complications in classic galactosemia.
Gene expression is controlled by RNA-binding proteins that modulate the synthesis, processing, transport and stability of various classes of RNA. Some RNA-binding proteins shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm and are thought to bind to RNA transcripts in the nucleus and remain bound during translocation to the cytoplasm. One RNA-binding protein that has been hypothesized to function in this manner is the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Scp160 protein. Although the steady-state localization of Scp160 is cytoplasmic, previous studies have identified putative nuclear localization (NLS) and nuclear export (NES) signals. The goal of this study was to test the hypothesis that Scp160 is a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein. We exploited a variety of yeast export mutants to capture any potential nuclear accumulation of Scp160 and found no evidence that Scp160 enters the nucleus. These localization studies were complemented by a mutational analysis of the predicted NLS. Results indicate that key basic residues within the predicted NLS of Scp160 can be altered without severely affecting Scp160 function. This finding has important implications for understanding the function of Scp160, which is likely limited to the cytoplasm. Additionally, our results provide strong evidence that the presence of a predicted nuclear localization signal within the sequence of a protein should not lead to the assumption that the protein enters the nucleus in the absence of additional experimental evidence.