Herbivorous insects have evolved many mechanisms to overcome plant chemical defenses, including detoxification and sequestration. Herbivores may also use toxic plants to reduce parasite infection. Plant toxins could directly interfere with parasites or could enhance endogenous immunity. Alternatively, plant toxins could favor down-regulation of endogenous immunity by providing an alternative (exogenous) defense against parasitism. However, studies on genome-wide transcriptomic responses to plant defenses and the interplay between host plant toxicity and parasite infection remain rare. Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) are specialist herbivores that feed on milkweeds (Asclepias spp.), which contain toxic cardenolides. Monarchs have adapted to cardenolides through multiple resistance mechanisms and can sequester cardenolides to defend against bird predators. In addition, high-cardenolide milkweeds confer medicinal effects to monarchs against a specialist protozoan parasite (Ophryocystis elektroscirrha). We used this system to study the interplay between the effects of plant toxicity and parasite infection on global gene expression. Our results demonstrate that monarch larvae differentially express several hundred genes when feeding on A. curassavica and A. incarnata, two species that are similar in nutritional content but differ substantially in cardenolide concentrations. These differentially expressed genes include genes within multiple families of canonical insect detoxification genes, suggesting that they play a role in monarch toxin resistance and sequestration. Interestingly, we found little transcriptional response to infection. However, parasite growth was reduced in monarchs reared on A. curassavica, and in these monarchs, a small number of immune genes were down-regulated, consistent with the hypothesis that medicinal plants can reduce reliance on endogenous immunity.
Immune genes presumably rapidly evolve as pathogens exert strong selection pressures on host defense, but the evolution of immune genes is also constrained by trade-offs with other biological functions and shaped by the environmental context. Thus, immune genes may exhibit complex evolutionary patterns, particularly when organisms disperse to or live in variable environments. We examined the evolutionary patterns of the full set of known canonical immune genes within and among populations of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus), and relative to a closely related species (D. gilippus). Monarchs represent a system with a known evolutionary history, in which North American monarchs dispersed to form novel populations across the world, providing an opportunity to explore the evolution of immunity in the light of population expansion into novel environments. By analyzing a whole-genome resequencing dataset across populations, we found that immune genes as a whole do not exhibit consistent patterns of selection, differentiation, or genetic variation, but that patterns are specific to functional classes. Species comparisons between D. plexippus and D. gilippus and analyses of monarch populations both revealed consistently low levels of genetic variation in signaling genes, suggesting conservation of these genes over evolutionary time. Modulation genes showed the opposite pattern, with signatures of relaxed selection across populations. In contrast, recognition and effector genes exhibited less consistent patterns. When focusing on genes with exceptionally strong signatures of selection or differentiation, we also found population-specific patterns, consistent with the hypothesis that monarch populations do not face uniform selection pressures with respect to immune function.
It may be intuitive to predict that host immune systems will evolve to counter a broad range of potential challenges through simultaneous investment in multiple defences. However, this would require diversion of resources from other traits, such as growth, survival and fecundity. Therefore, ecological immunology theory predicts that hosts will specialize in only a subset of possible defences. We tested this hypothesis through a comparative study of a cellular immune response and a putative behavioural defence used by eight fruit fly species against two parasitoid wasp species (one generalist and one specialist). Fly larvae can survive infection by melanotically encapsulating wasp eggs, and female flies can potentially reduce infection rates in their offspring by laying fewer eggs when wasps are present. The strengths of both defences varied significantly but were not negatively correlated across our chosen host species; thus, we found no evidence for a trade‐off between behavioural and cellular immunity. Instead, cellular defences were significantly weaker against the generalist wasp, whereas behavioural defences were similar in strength against both wasps and positively correlated between wasps. We investigated the adaptive significance of wasp‐induced oviposition reduction behaviour by testing whether wasp‐exposed parents produce offspring with stronger cellular defences, but we found no support for this hypothesis. We further investigated the sensory basis of this behaviour by testing mutants deficient in either vision or olfaction, both of which failed to reduce their oviposition rates in the presence of wasps, suggesting that both senses are necessary for detecting and responding to wasps.
Understanding host–parasite interactions is essential for ecological research, wildlife conservation, and health management. While most studies focus on numerical traits of parasite groups, such as changes in parasite load, less focus is placed on the traits of individual parasites such as parasite size and shape (parasite morphology). Parasite morphology has significant effects on parasite fitness such as initial colonization of hosts, avoidance of host immune defenses, and the availability of resources for parasite replication. As such, understanding factors that affect parasite morphology is important in predicting the consequences of host–parasite interactions. Here, we studied how host diet affected the spore morphology of a protozoan parasite (Ophryocystis elektroscirrha), a specialist parasite of the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus). We found that different host plant species (milkweeds; Asclepias spp.) significantly affected parasite spore size. Previous studies have found that cardenolides, secondary chemicals in host plants of monarchs, can reduce parasite loads and increase the lifespan of infected butterflies. Adding to this benefit of high cardenolide milkweeds, we found that infected monarchs reared on milkweeds of higher cardenolide concentrations yielded smaller parasites, a potentially hidden characteristic of cardenolides that may have important implications for monarch–parasite interactions.
Infectious diseases are a major threat to both managed and wild pollinators. One key question is how the movement or transplantation of honeybee colonies under different management regimes affects honeybee disease epidemiology. We opportunistically examined any persistent effect of colony management history following relocation by characterising the virus abundances of honeybee colonies from three management histories, representing different management histories: feral, low-intensity management, and high-intensity “industrial” management. The colonies had been maintained for one year under the same approximate ‘common garden’ condition. Colonies in this observational study differed in their virus abundances according to management history, with the feral population history showing qualitatively different viral abundance patterns compared to colonies from the two managed population management histories; for example, higher abundance of sacbrood virus but lower abundances of various paralysis viruses. Colonies from the high-intensity management history exhibited higher viral abundances for all viruses than colonies from the low-intensity management history. Our results provide evidence that management history has persistent impacts on honeybee disease epidemiology, suggesting that apicultural intensification could be majorly impacting on pollinator health, justifying much more substantial investigation.
Like humans, animals use plants and other materials as medication against parasites. Recent decades have shown that the study of insects can greatly advance our understanding of medication behaviors. The ease of rearing insects under laboratory conditions has enabled controlled experiments to test critical hypotheses, while their spectrum of reproductive strategies and living arrangements – ranging from solitary to eusocial communities – has revealed that medication behaviors can evolve to maximize inclusive fitness through both direct and indirect fitness benefits. Studying insects has also demonstrated in some cases that medication can act through modulation of the host’s innate immune system and microbiome. We highlight outstanding questions, focusing on costs and benefits in the context of inclusive host fitness.
Parasitic infection is known to drive sexual selection in persuasive mating systems, where parasites influence the secondary sexual characteristics that underlie mate choice. However, comparatively little is known about their effects on animals that use coercive mating behavior. We use a tractable system consisting of monarch butterflies and their naturally occurring parasite Ophryocystis elektroscirrha to test how parasites influence host mating dynamics when males force females to copulate. Monarchs were placed in mating cages where all, half, or no individuals were experimentally infected with O. elektroscirrha. We found that parasites reduce a male's mating success such that infected males were not only less likely to copulate but obtained fewer lifetime copulations as well. This reduction in mating success was due primarily to the fact that infected males attempt to mate significantly less than uninfected males. However, we found that O. elektroscirrha did not influence male mate choice. Males chose to mate with both infected and uninfected females at similar rates, regardless of their infection status. Overall, our data highlight how mating dynamics in coercive systems are particularly vulnerable to parasites.
In the HTML version of this Review originally published, a technical error led to the images in Box 2 being swapped over. This was corrected on 28 August 2017.
Long-distance migration can lower parasite prevalence if strenuous journeys remove infected animals from wild populations. We examined wild monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) to investigate the potential costs of the protozoan Ophryocystis elektroscirrha on migratory success. We collected monarchs from two wintering sites in central Mexico to compare infection status with hydrogen isotope (δ2H) measurements as an indicator of latitude of origin at the start of fall migration. On average, uninfected monarchs had lower δ2H values than parasitized butterflies, indicating that uninfected butterflies originated from more northerly latitudes and travelled farther distances to reach Mexico. Within the infected class, monarchs with higher quantitative spore loads originated from more southerly latitudes, indicating that heavily infected monarchs originating from farther north are less likely to reach Mexico. We ruled out the alternative explanation that lower latitudes give rise to more infected monarchs prior to the onset of migration using citizen science data to examine regional differences in parasite prevalence during the summer breeding season. We also found a positive association between monarch wing area and estimated distance flown. Collectively, these results emphasize that seasonal migrations can help lower infection levels in wild animal populations. Our findings, combined with recent declines in the numbers of migratory monarchs wintering in Mexico and observations of sedentary (winter breeding) monarch populations in the southern U.S., suggest that shifts from migratory to sedentary behavior will likely lead to greater infection prevalence for North American monarchs.
Varroa destructor is an obligate ectoparasitic mite and the most important biotic threat currently facing honey bees (Apis mellifera). We used neutral microsatellites to analyze previously unreported fine scale population structure of V. destructor, a species characterized by extreme lack of genetic diversity owing to multiple bottleneck events, haplodiploidy, and primarily brother-sister matings. Our results surprisingly indicate that detectable hierarchical genetic variation exists between apiaries, between colonies within an apiary, and even within colonies. This finding of within-colony parasite diversity provides empirical evidence that the spread of V. destructor is not accomplished solely by vertical transmission but that horizontal transmission (natural or human-mediated) must occur regularly.