Greg S. Martin, M.D., M.Sc. is Professor of Medicine with tenure at Emory University in the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care, where he is the Associate Division Director for Critical Care. Dr. Martin completed his undergraduate studies at Duke University; medical school, residency and subspecialty fellowship training were completed at Vanderbilt University and a post-graduate Master of Science degree at Emory University. Dr. Martin serves as the Director of Research for the Emory Critical Care Center (ECCC), as the Director of the Emory/Georgia Tech Predictive Health Institute and the affiliated Center for Health Discovery and Well Being, and the Director of the Georgia Clinical and Translational Science Alliance Clinical Research Centers (GCRC). Dr. Martin previously served as the Section Chief for Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care at Grady Memorial Hospital, where he also works clinically in the Medical and Cardiovascular Intensive Care Units and chairs the Critical Care Committee.
Dr. Martin's personal research includes clinical and translational research in critically ill patients, with his primary interests being in sepsis, organ dysfunction syndromes and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Dr. Martin has conducted work that spans epidemiology and health services research through biomarker trials to randomized, controlled treatment trials in critically ill patients. In his roles for both the Division and the ECCC, Dr. Martin helps to coordinate critical care research at Emory, including the Emory Program in Critical Care. Dr. Martin is clinically active in both pulmonary and critical care medicine and is an active teacher in the Pulmonary & Critical Care fellowship program.
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