How do we feed the expanding human population without excessive resource depletion or environmental degradation? Recycling and recapturing nutrients could alleviate these challenges, especially if these strategies are robust to climate change. Co-cultivating rice with Azolla spp. in Asia has demonstrated high yields with reduced fertilizer inputs because Azolla fixes atmospheric nitrogen, limits nitrogen volatilization, recaptures and releases other nutrients, and suppresses weeds. While Azolla is distributed in Africa, this approach has not been widely implemented in African rice-farming. Characterizing the suitability of Azolla is critical in evaluating the potential for Azolla-rice in Africa. To do so, we synthesized 189 field and greenhouse studies from around the world that quantified temperature-dependent growth of A. pinnata and A. filiculoides and developed present and future climate suitability maps at the continental scale using mean temperatures under two Representative Concentration Pathways. Currently, most of Africa is suitable for Azolla with slight differences in regional suitability for each species. We project little change in the continent-wide suitability for both species, but anticipate a regional decline, particularly for A. filiculoides in the Sahel. Collaborating with farmers to validate these projections, evaluate the costs and benefits of Azolla-rice, and facilitate adoption of viable strategies can facilitate equitable food systems that also empower African farmers.
Vanessa O. Ezenwa;
David Civitello;
Brandon T. Barton;
Daniel J. Becker;
Maris Brenn-White;
Aimee T. Classen;
Sharon L. Deem;
Zoe E. Johnson;
Susan Kutz;
Matthew Malishev;
Rachel M. Penczykowski;
Daniel L. Preston;
J. Trevor Vannatta;
Amanda M. Koltz
Ruminant livestock are a significant contributor to global methane emissions. Infectious diseases have the potential to exacerbate these contributions by elevating methane outputs associated with animal production. With the increasing spread of many infectious diseases, the emergence of a vicious climate–livestock–disease cycle is a looming threat.
Wildlife vaccination is of urgent interest to reduce disease-induced extinction and zoonotic spillover events. However, several challenges complicate its application to wildlife. For example, vaccines rarely provide perfect immunity. While some protection may seem better than none, imperfect vaccination can present epidemiological, ecological, and evolutionary challenges. While anti-infection and antitransmission vaccines reduce parasite transmission, antidisease vaccines may undermine herd immunity, select for increased virulence, or promote spillover. These imperfections interact with ecological and logistical constraints that are magnified in wildlife, such as poor control and substantial trait variation within and among species. Ultimately, we recommend approaches such as trait-based vaccination, modeling tools, and methods to assess community- and ecosystem-level vaccine safety to address these concerns and bolster wildlife vaccination campaigns.
Christopher J. E. Haggerty;
Sidy Bakhoum;
David Civitello;
Giulio A. De Leo;
Nicolas Jouanard;
Raphael A. Ndione;
Justin Remais;
Gilles Riveau;
Simon Senghor;
Susanna H. Sokolow;
Souleymane Sow;
Caitlin Wolfe;
Chelsea l. Wood;
Isabel Jones;
Andrew J. Chamberlin;
Jason R. Rohr
Schistosomiasis is responsible for the second highest burden of disease among neglected tropical diseases globally, with over 90 percent of cases occurring in African regions where drugs to treat the disease are only sporadically available. Additionally, human re-infection after treatment can be a problem where there are high numbers of infected snails in the environment. Recent experiments indicate that aquatic factors, including plants, nutrients, or predators, can influence snail abundance and parasite production within infected snails, both components of human risk. This study investigated how snail host abundance and release of cercariae (the free swimming stage infective to humans) varies at water access sites in an endemic region in Senegal, a setting where human schistosomiasis prevalence is among the highest globally.
Methods/Principal findings
We collected snail intermediate hosts at 15 random points stratified by three habitat types at 36 water access sites, and counted cercarial production by each snail after transfer to the laboratory on the same day. We found that aquatic vegetation was positively associated with per-capita cercarial release by snails, probably because macrophytes harbor periphyton resources that snails feed upon, and well-fed snails tend to produce more parasites. In contrast, the abundance of aquatic macroinvertebrate snail predators was negatively associated with per-capita cercarial release by snails, probably because of several potential sublethal effects on snails or snail infection, despite a positive association between snail predators and total snail numbers at a site, possibly due to shared habitat usage or prey tracking by the predators. Thus, complex bottom-up and top-down ecological effects in this region plausibly influence the snail shedding rate and thus, total local density of schistosome cercariae.
Our study suggests that aquatic macrophytes and snail predators can influence per-capita cercarial production and total abundance of snails. Thus, snail control efforts might benefit by targeting specific snail habitats where parasite production is greatest. In conclusion, a better understanding of top-down and bottom-up ecological factors that regulate densities of cercarial release by snails, rather than solely snail densities or snail infection prevalence, might facilitate improved schistosomiasis control.
The disease ecology community has struggled to come to consensus on whether biodiversity reduces or increases infectious disease risk, a question that directly affects policy decisions for biodiversity conservation and public health. Here, we summarize the primary points of contention regarding biodiversity–disease relationships and suggest that vector-borne, generalist wildlife and zoonotic pathogens are the types of parasites most likely to be affected by changes to biodiversity. One synthesis on this topic revealed a positive correlation between biodiversity and human disease burden across countries, but as biodiversity changed over time within these countries, this correlation became weaker and more variable. Another synthesis—a meta-analysis of generally smaller-scale experimental and field studies—revealed a negative correlation between biodiversity and infectious diseases (a dilution effect) in various host taxa. These results raise the question of whether biodiversity–disease relationships are more negative at smaller spatial scales. If so, biodiversity conservation at the appropriate scales might prevent wildlife and zoonotic diseases from increasing in prevalence or becoming problematic (general proactive approaches). Further, protecting natural areas from human incursion should reduce zoonotic disease spillover. By contrast, for some infectious diseases, managing particular species or habitats and targeted biomedical approaches (targeted reactive approaches) might outperform biodiversity conservation as a tool for disease control. Importantly, biodiversity conservation and management need to be considered alongside other disease management options. These suggested guiding principles should provide common ground that can enhance scientific and policy clarity for those interested in simultaneously improving wildlife and human health.
Jason R. Rohr;
Christopher B. Barrett;
David Civitello;
Meggan E. Craft;
Bryan Delius;
Guilio A. DeLeo;
Peter J. Hudson;
Nicolas Jouanard;
Karena H. Nguyen;
Richard S. Ostfeld;
Justin Remais;
Gilles Riveau;
Susanne H. Sokolow;
David Tilman
Infectious diseases are emerging globally at an unprecedented rate while global food demand is projected to increase sharply by 2100. Here, we synthesize the pathways by which projected agricultural expansion and intensification will influence human infectious diseases and how human infectious diseases might likewise affect food production and distribution. Feeding 11 billion people will require substantial increases in crop and animal production that will expand agricultural use of antibiotics, water, pesticides and fertilizer, and contact rates between humans and both wild and domestic animals, all with consequences for the emergence and spread of infectious agents. Indeed, our synthesis of the literature suggests that, since 1940, agricultural drivers were associated with >25% of all — and >50% of zoonotic — infectious diseases that emerged in humans, proportions that will likely increase as agriculture expands and intensifies. We identify agricultural and disease management and policy actions, and additional research, needed to address the public health challenge posed by feeding 11 billion people.
Tierra Smiley Evans;
Zhengli Shi;
Michael Boots;
Wenjun Liu;
Kevin J. Olival;
Xiangming Xiao;
Sue Vandewoude;
Heidi Brown;
Ji-Long Chen;
David Civitello;
Luis Escobar;
Yrjo Grohn;
Hongying Li;
Karen Lips;
Qiyoung Liu;
Jiahai Lu;
Beatriz Martínez-López;
Jishu Shi;
Xiaolu Shi;
Biao Xu;
Lihong Yuan;
Guoqiang Zhu;
Wayne M. Getz
The risk of a zoonotic pandemic disease threatens hundreds of millions of people. Emerging infectious diseases also threaten livestock and wildlife populations around the world and can lead to devastating economic damages. China and the USA—due to their unparalleled resources, widespread engagement in activities driving emerging infectious diseases and national as well as geopolitical imperatives to contribute to global health security—play an essential role in our understanding of pandemic threats. Critical to efforts to mitigate risk is building upon existing investments in global capacity to develop training and research focused on the ecological factors driving infectious disease spillover from animals to humans.
International cooperation, particularly between China and the USA, is essential to fully engage the resources and scientific strengths necessary to add this ecological emphasis to the pandemic preparedness strategy. Here, we review the world’s current state of emerging infectious disease preparedness, the ecological and evolutionary knowledge needed to anticipate disease emergence, the roles that China and the USA currently play as sources and solutions to mitigating risk, and the next steps needed to better protect the global community from zoonotic disease.
Different populations of hosts and parasites experience distinct seasonality in environmental factors, depending on local-scale biotic and abiotic factors. This can lead to highly heterogenous disease outcomes across host ranges. Variable seasonality characterizes urogenital schistosomiasis, a neglected tropical disease caused by parasitic trematodes (Schistosoma haematobium). Their intermediate hosts are aquatic Bulinus snails that are highly adapted to extreme rainfall seasonality, undergoing dormancy for up to seven months yearly. While Bulinus snails have a remarkable capacity for rebounding following dormancy, parasite survival within snails is greatly diminished. We conducted a year-round investigation of seasonal snail-schistosome dynamics in 109 ponds of variable ephemerality in Tanzania. First, we found that ponds have two synchronized peaks of schistosome infection prevalence and cercariae release, though of lower magnitude in the fully desiccating ponds than non-desiccating ponds. Second, we evaluated total yearly prevalence across a gradient of an ephemerality, finding ponds with intermediate ephemerality to have the highest infection rates. We also investigated dynamics of non-schistosome trematodes, which lacked synonymity with schistosome patterns. We found peak schistosome transmission risk at intermediate pond ephemerality, thus the impacts of anticipated increases in landscape desiccation could result in increases or decreases in transmission risk with global change.
Temperature constrains the transmission of many pathogens. Interventions that target temperature-sensitive life stages, such as vector controlmeasures that kill intermediate hosts, could shift the thermal optimum of transmission, thereby altering seasonal disease dynamics and rendering interventions less effective at certain times of the year and with global climate change. To test these hypotheses, we integrated an epidemiological model of schistosomiasis with empirically determined temperature-dependent traits of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni and its intermediate snail host (Biomphalaria spp.). We show that transmission risk peaks at 21.7 °C (Topt), and simulated interventions targeting snails and free-living parasite larvae increased Toptby up to 1.3 °C because interventionrelated mortality overrode thermal constraints on transmission. This Toptshift suggests that snail control is more effective at lower temperatures, and global climate change will increase schistosomiasis risk in regions that move closer to Topt. Considering regional transmission phenologies and timing of interventions when local conditions approach Toptwill maximize human health outcomes.
Amanda M Koltz;
David Civitello;
Daniel J Becker;
Sharon L Deem;
Aimée T Classen;
Brandon Barton;
Maris Brenn-White;
Zoë E Johnson;
Susan Kutz;
Matthew Malishev;
Daniel L Preston;
J Trevor Vannatta;
Rachel M Penczykowski;
Vanessa O Ezenwa
Parasitic infections are common, but how they shape ecosystem-level processes is understudied. Using a mathematical model and meta-analysis, we explored the potential for helminth parasites to trigger trophic cascades through lethal and sublethal effects imposed on herbivorous ruminant hosts after infection. First, using the model, we linked negative effects of parasitic infection on host survival, fecundity, and feeding rate to host and producer biomass. Our model, parameterized with data from a well-documented producer–caribou–helminth system, reveals that even moderate impacts of parasites on host survival, fecundity, or feeding rate can have cascading effects on ruminant host and producer biomass. Second, using meta-analysis, we investigated the links between helminth infections and traits of free-living ruminant hosts in nature. We found that helminth infections tend to exert negative but sublethal effects on ruminant hosts. Specifically, infection significantly reduces host feeding rates, body mass, and body condition but has weak and highly variable effects on survival and fecundity. Together, these findings suggest that while helminth parasites can trigger trophic cascades through multiple mechanisms, overlooked sublethal effects on nonreproductive traits likely dominate their impacts on ecosystems. In particular, by reducing ruminant herbivory, pervasive helminth infections may contribute to a greener world.