How to edit your profile

To edit your profile, please log in above, using your netID and password.

Your faculty profile is pre-populated with publicly available Emory directory information.  You may choose to add more information to your profile to give a more complete picture of your research interests and accomplishments.

  1. Log in to OpenEmory using your netID and password.  This will take you to your Faculty Dashboard.
  2. Click the tab labeled "Your Profile."
  3. Click the "Edit" links, or the yellow pencils, at each of the sections of the Profile you would like to edit.  You can edit or add information on Other Affiliations (such as Centers or Institutes), Degrees Held, a Biography/Description of Research, External Links (such as your page on your department's website or your iTunes lectures) and your Research Interests.
  4. Once you have entered and reviewed the information to your satisfaction, click the "Save Changes" button at the top or bottom of the page.

Do you think something is missing from the Faculty Profile page?  Please contact us to give us your input.  We appreciate feedback!